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Daily Lyrics

Welcome to Sample Lyrics! Here you will find the best FREE song lyrics for songwriting inspiration. Every day, we post 10-15 new, descriptive, and meaningful phrases that can be used in various ways and for any genre of music/writing; This keeps our content fresh and visitors inspired. And since new lyrics are posted daily, Sample Lyrics will keep you writing every day and writing the music you love. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, there’s really endless potential to advance your songwriting technique. So check out the site daily for help and inspiration for your songs, poems, writings, etc.

Today’s Sample Lyrics For Inspiration

1. I’ll dance and spin while I’m dreaming of you 2. I’m close to you, but so far away 3. My love was placed in a suspended state 4. In my heart I’m never truly alone 5. You changed my life with just one smile 6. I’m driven by a burning desire 7. I’m a seabird soaring across moonlit skies 8. I can feel your presence all around me 9. These moments are all that I truly need 10. Like a jigsaw puzzle finally coming together

Today’s SampleLyrics™ Song

Verse 1: Take away all the chaos in my head Can’t take the time to rest in my bed Locked in the prison of its own making The lies through my mind like a train Chorus: It’s a heavy load on a road that I’m no stranger to The wake of despair has left a scar far too deep But I’ll still keep on going, I’ll never give in Even when nothing is sure, I’ll just take it all in Verse 2: A million choices and a single voice But I’m not sure which one is the right choice My feet are tired from a life on the run But I don’t have a choice, I gotta keep it moving on Chorus: It’s a heavy load on a road that I’m no stranger to The wake of despair has left a scar far too deep But I’ll still keep on going, I’ll never give in Even when nothing is sure, I’ll just take it all in Bridge: You never promised a life of ease But I’ve gotten up every time I have hit my knees I’ll just measure my strength and carry on I can handle this journey until I’m gone Chorus: It’s a heavy load on a road that I’m no stranger to The wake of despair has left a scar far too deep But I’ll still keep on going, I’ll never give in Even when nothing is sure, I’ll just take it all in

Above is today’s set of unique and creative lyrics samples. To get the most of out these lyrics phrases, think of every possible use you may have for them. Maybe a particular phrase works excellently for a song or album title. And maybe use some of today’s lyrics content for a song you’ve already started and some of tomorrow’s content to start a new song from scratch. We supply these lyrics on a daily basis to help songwriters like you keep things fresh and to take the frustration out of writing music. There’s really no end to the potential of these lyrics and you will find that Sample Lyrics is a quick, easy, and effective resource to bolster your songwriting.



There are a lot of great lyrics on this website, so why not have them all at your fingertips? Purchase our $15 Lyrics E-book and receive a PDF containing thousands of lyrical phrases to use in your music.


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Helpful Tips:

  • Think creatively. These lyrics don’t need to be used verbatim, so feel free to restructure our phrases of lyrics as needed to fit your particular musical piece or writing style.
  • Use multiple sets of lyrics in conjunction with one another. Our free daily lyrics are completely random, but chances are many will fit together quite nicely.
  • Practice and write every day. This will improve your songwriting skills/technique and that’s part of why we post new lyrics each day.
  • Know what your song is about. Whether you are using Sample Lyrics to add to a song or start a new one from scratch, it will benefit you to have a clear idea of what you’re writing about. This will save you time/effort and you’ll get the most out of our lyrics.
  • If you’re writing a song from scratch and need help with a theme, visit our Theme Generator.
  • Check out the SampleLyrics every day! If today’s free lyrics don’t catch your interest, tomorrow’s will.
  • Don’t have time to check out our sample lyrics daily? Purchase our Sample Lyrics E-Book! Containing nearly 4000 snippets of lyrical phrases.

There’s no better way to improve your songwriting skills than to challenge yourself constantly and that’s what we are here to do. Do not let yourself get comfortable in how you write. And remember, practice makes perfect. Songwriting is an art that has to be trained daily. Many prolific songwriters, such as Dolly Parton, Michael Jackson, Bob Dylan, and Paul McCartney, have written countless songs over the course of their careers. Writing daily will show you your strengths and weaknesses. Sample Lyrics will help you build on them accordingly and have you on your way to writing meaningful music.


We try to keep our sample lyrics random and as generic as possible. These lyrics are not derivative, of any songs, in any way. Any similarities our lyrics hold to other songs are purely coincidental.